Understanding Globalization In .NET

With the term globalization we mean that the content of the web application can be customized depending upon the locality and the culture of the user.

If you have internationalized and localized the application then you can find out the users locality and culture and then dynamically load the content for the web pages based on that. For this to happen you have to write the code in such a way that you dynamically load the content by trapping the users region and culture.

For different cultures and languages you have to prepare content using the services of translators. They would translate the page and you have to store them in an xml file or in a database. This enables you to write the code to dynamically load them.

The web designers, developers, and the translators have to work together to make this possible. It is the duty of the Project Manager to bring all these resources together and make the application truly global.


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| Advantages of using .NET Globalization | Implementing ASP.NET Globalization | Understanding Globalization Architecture in ASP.NET | Why Globalization in ASP.NET | Understanding Globalization In .NET |


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