How Do You Overload == Operator in C# (C Sharp) ?C# supports
operator overloading for a particular set of operators. One among them
is the comparison operator “==“. This operator is used for performing
equality function and it is also termed as referential equality.
When you compare two objects using == operator, it checks if both the objects are just two object references pointing to the same object. If so it returns true else it returns false. If the two objects are references to different objects but share the same value, then again reference equality will be false. Here is an
example of == operator: Output of this code will be: obj1 and obj3 are referentially equal In this example, members of obj1, obj2 and obj3 have the same value. But only obj1 and obj3 are referentially equal. This is because obj1 and obj2 are two different instances of sampleClass created using new operator. The object obj3 is not newly created using new operator. It is referencing to the same object obj1 using the statement obj3 = obj1. Hence they are referentially equal. C# gives you an option to overload this == operator. By overloading you can change its meaning. But you have a restriction, if you overload the comparison operator == then you should overload the comparison operator != and vice versa. To understand how to overload == operator; consider the scenario given below along with its code sample. As already discussed, == operator checks for reference equality. When two objects are referentially equal then it is obvious that they share the same value. But when two objects share the same value, it is not necessary that they are referentially equal. Now you are going to overload this operator to return true if the values of two objects of the same class are equal. Overloaded == operator is not going to check if objects hold the same references. This overloading is demonstrated in the code sample below: class sampleClass
{ Output of this code will be: obj1 and
obj2 are referentially equal You might be surprised with the output of this example when compared to the earlier example. In this example obj1 and obj2 are two different objects of sampleClass created using new operator. Members of both these objects share the same value. In normal scenario, obj1 == obj2 will surely fail. But in this example, you have overloaded ==operator to check for value of the members instead of the object references. Hence obj1==obj2 returns true. Similarly obj2 == obj3 will return true. obj1 is reference to the object obj3. Hence they always share the same value as that of obj3 and hence they also return true. Note that in the above example, you have also overloaded != operator since comparison operators should be overloaded in pairs. In addition, you have overridden the Equals method and GetHashCode method.
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