What is the need for Prototype Pattern in C#?

In your web application, if you want to postpone execution of actual class by substituting another class for it then you can do it using Prototype Pattern. The substituted class is the prototype class. The actual class will be a cloned copy of the prototype class. After cloning, you can add more details to your actual class.

Here is a code sample to demonstrate it:

abstract class prototypeClass {
private int member;
public prototypeClass(int member) {
this.member = member;
public void getMember() {
Console.WriteLine(“Member value = {0}”, member);
public abstract prototypeClass clonePrototype();
class actualClass : prototypeClass {
public actualClass(int member):base(member) { }
public override prototypeClass clonePrototype() {
prototypeClass obj = (prototypeClass) this.MemberwiseClone();
return obj;

class testClass {
actualClass sampleObj = new actualClass(10);
actualClass clonedObj = (actualClass) sampleObj.clonePrototype();

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