What is the purpose of ManualResetEvent in .NET?

.NET supports two synchronization classes namely ManualResetEvent and AutoResetEvent. ManualResetEvent belongs to System.Threading namespace. This class establishes communication within threads. This communication is achieved by signaling.

Each instance of this class will have a status which can either be signaled or nonsignaled. This status field indicates whether the thread can continue with execution or not. If it is in signaled state, then the thread can begin its execution. If its status is set to nonsignaled, then the thread is blocked. It has to wait until it receives the indication through which its status goes back to ‘signaled’.

Signaling is done using the following means:

• You can call Set method to set status of its instance to signaled.
• You can call Reset method to set status of its instance to nonsignaled. This status change can also be achieved if the control reaches a call to WaitOne.

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