What is the purpose of Thread.Sleep() method in .NET?

Thread.Sleep() method is used to block or suspend a thread for a specified time limit defined in milliseconds. This method is available in System.Threading namespace.

Here is an example:

public class sampleClass {
public static void Main() {
for (int index = 0; index < 2; index++) {
Console.WriteLine("Thread sleeps for next 5 seconds.");
Console.WriteLine("Exit of Main Thread.");

Output of this code will be:

Thread sleeps for next 5 seconds
<cursor lies in the next line with a delay of 5 seconds>
Thread sleeps for next 5 seconds
<cursor lies in the next line with a delay of 5 seconds>
Exit of Main Thread.

Thread.Sleep method can accept the following as parameters:

• If you want to block the thread for a specific time period then specify an integer value (indicating time in milliseconds) as a parameter of Thread.Sleep method.
• If you want to block this thread so that other threads already waiting has to be executed, then you can do it by specifying Thread.Sleep(0)
• Specify Thread.Sleep(System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite) to block thread infinitely

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