Understanding .NET Enterprise Services
With the help of the SystemEnterpriseServices namespace you can have effective access services from Microsoft .NET applications. Out of the many popular COM+ services available today, Microsoft Transaction Processing is regarded as one of the most sought after services. The term serviced component refers to any Microsoft .NET component that is capable of supporting COM+ transactions and any such class will be of a SystemEnterpriseServices-ServicedComponent class. You can have a component based services infrastructure from COM+ and you can make use of managed and as well as unmanaged codes for accessing COM+ services infrastructure. The so-called COM+ services that have been accessed through unmanaged code are referred to as Enterprise Services In .NET Framework. Besides applying the COM+ services to .NET components and COM components, you can also apply the COM+ services on non-component services such as ASP pages or other arbitrary code blocks. Further, you can make both the Com objects and .NET objects access all the COM+ services such as JIT, role based security, object construction and pooling strings, transactions, synchronization, CRM, and BYOT. A well written managed applications for using services will contain service classes derived from ServicedComponent and for specifying the actual required services various custom attributes will be put to use. Services such as process initialisation, process recycling, transaction isolation levels and component-less services are all the managed code based COM+ services. Further it is possible for you to have a logical and consistent access to COM+ services in a .NET Framework. The various constituents such as ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and Messaging in any .NET Framework is integrated deeply with .NET Enterprise Services that makes use of transactions and object pooling services. Through such an integration you are able to get a robust programming model with a consistent architecture and the SystemEnterpriseServices namespace provides the programming model for adding services to the managed classes.