What is the difference between Trace and Debug in .NET?

Trace and Debug are two important classes belonging to System.Diagnostics namespace. They both deal with tracing. Differences between these two classes are tabulated below:

This class works only when your application build defines the symbol TRACE. This class works only when your application build defines the symbol DEBUG.
For tracing, you have to use Trace.WriteLine statements. For tracing, you have to use Debug.WriteLine statements.
Trace class is generally used to trace the execution during deployment of the application. You generally use debug classes at the time of development of application.
Trace class works in both debug mode as well as release mode. Debug class works only in debug mode.
Performance analysis can be done using Trace class. Performance analysis cannot be done using Trace class.
Trace runs in a thread that is different from the Main Thread. Debug runs in the same thread in which your code executes.
Trace is used during Testing Phase and Optimization Phase of different releases. Debug is used during Debugging Phase

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