Is catch(Exception) recommended to be used in .NET?

.NET has a very strong exception handling using try..catch blocks. Catch block is used to catch an exception and handle it as needed.

However usage of catch(Exception) is not recommended for various reasons. They are listed below:

• Catch(Exception) is a general way of catching exceptions. All the exceptions will be caught under this catch block and therefore it will be difficult to trap what the actual exception is. You should always use more specific exceptions like StackOverflowException, OutofMemoryException so that you will know more details about the problem.
• Using catch(Exception) has a considerable overhead. It is time consuming when compared to specific exceptions because Common Language Runtime (CLR) has to inspect every possible exception when you use the general catch statement catch(Exception).
• By using catch(Exception), you are trapping all errors in your code inside the catch block. Hence you are hiding errors from User and the errors will not be rectified. If you still want to use catch(Exception), throw meaningful errors to the User from inside catch block.
• Your application might use better exception handling in the next level after your code execution. If you use catch(Excpetion) and trap the error, the error will not get a chance to be handled in a better way by the next level of exception handler.
• By using catch(Exception), you make your application get into an unidentified state. This is not recommended.

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