How do you introduce a ReadOnly property in C#?

If you want to define a property whose value can only be read but not set, then you can do it using ReadOnly property in C#. ReadOnly is achieved by defining only the get accessor method for the property. The property will not have a set accessor method.

Here is an example:
public class sampleClass {
private string member1;
public sampleClass(string member1) {
this.member1 = member1;
public string Member1 {
get { return member1; }
public static void Main() {
sampleClass obj = new sampleClass(“sample message”);
Console.WriteLine(“obj.Member1 = “ + obj.Member1);

Output of this code will be:

Obj.Member1 = sample message

In this example, the property Member1 is readonly since it has only the get accessor method. If the Main method includes the following line of code:

obj.Member1 = “test message”;

Then you will get the following error since the property Member1 is readonly:

Property or indexer ‘sampleClass.Member1' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only

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