are the members of stringbuilder class in C#?
StringBuilder class is a highly recommended class to concatenate strings.
It has many properties and methods as its members.
Most frequently used members of StringBuilder class are listed below:
Property that determines length of a StringBuilder instance.
Capacity Property that determines maximum characters
that the StringBuilder instance can hold.
Append Method to append a string to a StringBuilder
instance. The string will be added at the end of this instance. This method
has overloaded versions.
Equals Method used to check if the current StringBuilder
instance is equivalent to a specific object. This method has overloaded
GetType Method used to return type of the instance.
Insert Method used to insert a string into a StringBuilder
instance at a specific position. This method has overloaded versions.
Remove Method used to remove specific set of characters
from the StringBuilder instance.
Replace Method used to replace a specific string
or character with a new. This method has overloaded versions.
ToString Method used to convert the StringBuilder
instance into a String. This method has overloaded versions. Note that
this is also an overridden method where in the base method belongs to
MemberwiseClone Method used to clone the entire StringBuilder
instance. This is an overridden method and it is accessible only to the
subclasses inheriting from StringBuilder class.