What is the difference between const and readonly in .NET?

The programmer want to link together pages with previous and next page functionality, you had to insert link manually for this to work. Whenever a page was added or inserted, you had to adjust links in two more files.

Value of const identifiers cannot be changed. User cannot change value of ReadOnly identifiers but they can be changed by themselves.
Const identifiers are static members by default. Here is an example defining and using Const:
public class sampleClass{
public const int sample = 10;
public static void Main() {
is {0}", sampleClass.sample);
Output of this code will be:
sampleClass.sample is 10
In the above example, if you try to access sample using an instance of sampleClass named obj, then you will get the following error:
Static member 'sampleClass.sample' cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a type name instead
Readonly identifiers are instance members.
Here is an example for readonly:
public class sampleClass{
public readonly int sample = 10;
public static void Main() {
sampleClass obj = new
Console.WriteLine("obj.sample is {0}",
Output of this code will be:
obj.sample is 10
You will get the following error if you try to access sample as sampleClass.sample:
An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property 'sampleClass.sample'
Const identifiers are compile time constants. They cannot be initialized at run time. ReadOnly identifiers are run time constants. They can be initialized inside constructor of the class during run time.


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